Goa Times

Apna Bhada Initiative, Supported By Sangram Singh

Apna Bhada has come up with a new idea, innovation, concept, and revolution in the taxi service industry. In Goa, the company has started their services on April 23, 2021, and completed one year of successful operations all over the Goa. 

As the name suggests, “Apna Bhada” is a free taxi service for all, and it doesn’t charges the customers for rides. Whereas the other taxi services in the market are charging a high-priced amount for bookings. This initiative has already begun on April 14, 2022, in the Delhi NCR region & Bangalore, and soon this is going to be started in other cities.

The booking process has been simplified especially for the blind riders.

The riders need to make a phone call on the helpline number and the executive will check the availability and book the taxi for them. The company’s mission is to provide their services to all destinations across India. 

When Mr. Sangram Singh, came to know about the Apna Bhada initiative for the well-being of society, he immediately come in support of APNA BHADA. With this approach, Apna Bhada aims to provide their services to the people of India with accessible taxi rides and wants to make people’s lives easier. During the Pandemic, the company has aided their taxi services 24×7 to many covid victims. 

On the occasion of the announcement of services, the CEO of Apna Bhada, Murtaza Ali, shared his vision with the audience that this was not a rumor. So many questions arise about this accessible and affordable business module. It was a really tough and challenging job to make people believe about the services in the beginning of Apna Bhada. But it was already decided to bring successful result for the people and with hope in his heart, Mr. Ali ultimately proved this. He put out the services on the ground and makes his dream into a reality. 

But to sustain and to benefit, Mr. Murtaza Ali (CEO, APNA BHADA) has a wonderful plan to generate revenue for the company through advertising on the taxis. Therefore, the business module is not like other taxi services providers as Apna Bhada is not generating revenue through their customers. This unique feature is revenue-generating and benefits both the society and the people of India. This would not have any impact on the customer’s pocket, and he could also get revenue through this fantastic plan, which is the segment of advertisement. 

As this is the initial stage, the company has limited taxis at present. These taxis would role in Delhi, NCR, and Bangalore locations. When the company started to pick up the pace, then they would extend their reach with adding numbers to their current numbers of taxis. They want to take it to next level and expand the business across all the cities in India. Apna Bhada wants every person to take leverage of the benefit from these fantastic services, and the maximum number of people could ride and enjoy these free services.  

Wrestler Sangram Singh has gone through the company’s business module and appreciated the team’s Apna Bhada. It is his pleasure, he says, to be a part of this initiative, and he hopes that the company achieves its goals and can serve more and more people. We can see Apna Bhada having this service in other cities soon in the near future.

To know more about Apna Bhada, log on to https://apnabhada.in/

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