Goa Times

Interested in Fashion, Beauty and Travel? Entrepreneur Nada Mandour has her take on being a Blogger cum Influencer in the age of Social Media!

For those who love to create content, blogging is the best way to earn money. Since the dawn of the blogging era, many women have taken up blogging to explore uncharted territory. Some of them emerged as creative content creators. Over the years, these women have become some of the most trusted sources in their respective fields. With motivation from their thousands of followers on social media, these blogger women are a must-follow on the online world.

Do you want to find blogs that exclusively talk about women’s beauty, fashion, women empowerment, travel and so on? This post is exclusively for you then.Today, we will talk about one such blogger who has caught the pulse of the masses and is setting new standards of blogging – Nada Mandour.   

There isn’t a day that goes by where you won’t find some new content on social media; be it a Blogger, YouTuber or digital content creator that keeps the audience engaged with their content. Entrepreneur Nada Mandouris one such blogger cum influencer who has her hand in the fashion, beauty and travel domain! A popular figure among the masses, Nada Mandour’ssocial media presence with her enticing content keeps her audience engaged and wanting for more. She is an exquisite narrator of her experiences who is living her dream and encouraging others to do the same.

Nada Mandour’s Instagram handle will make you fall in love with not only her fashion but also her travel experiences. She travels a lot, thus her Instagram account is packed with exotic destinations and wonderful experiences that take you on a virtual tour. Nada always makes her audience feel like they are a part of her adventure via fashion, beauty and lifestyle. No wonder her Instagram has 209Kfollowers already! Nada Mandour has a strong voice in her community and she builds her own set of followers through her unique style of blogging and storytelling. She never leaves any stone unturned in entertaining her audience with her amazing assortment of content, be it the trending fashion or the dress that exclusively suits you or even beauty tips, she has her take on all!

Being a pro blogger in her own niche was never a walk of rose petals for Nada Mandour, she has tried hard to balance her roles of being a woman, a mother, a sister or a wife and she has been successful in switching the right role the right time. “For being a pro blogger, you need to have a lot of knowledge in the field you are blogging in, dedication and perseverance. You are called a pro blogger only if you sustain a life out of your blogging income!” says Entrepreneur Nada Mandour. According to her social media audience, Nada Mandour is making it possible for everyone to understand fashion, be in fashion and develop their own sense of style in fashion in the contemporary marketing era. She not only promotes fashion and style understanding of current market trends, culture, body type, color theory, etc. but also promotes small and micro fashion designers along with big fashion brands. 

Blogger cum Influencer Nada’s success story seems to be the commitment to working insanely hard every single day. Her activity on social media strikes the right chord with her audiences and make them drool all over her feed. Emitting an artsy energy, Nada’s social media pages present itself as an illustrative gallery of classic photographs; with charming landscapes, vibrant sceneries, luxurious color coordinated outfits, luxurious dresses and women accessories making the page visually aesthetic. Having a strong online presence, entrepreneur Nada Mandour utilizes her ever-growing following to engage in effective marketing strategies for the brands and companies that she collaborates with. Her diverse interests make her stand out of the influencer crowd, as she is quick and confident to share her thoughts on a variety of topics across her social media platforms whilst still being able to collaborate with brands.

Says Nada Mandour, “It is for a fact that social media has become an integral part of our lives. Every other person wants to be a known personality on one or the other social media platforms. This desperation is justified for the fame and money that comes with being a sought after person on the internet.” On being asked how she managed to gain so much popularity in such a short interval of time, Nada says, “My intention is to provide quality content on social networking sites for the people. I don’t do anything to gain popularity, rather I try to improve my content and as a result I am loved by the people. I don’t have static content on the platforms and I offer everything that serves people and their benefits.”  Entrepreneur Nada loves dealing with people and building good relations with everyone through mutual respect. Besides, she shares her hands-on experiences with every new thing in her wardrobe so that people can connect with her and feel the same.

However, entrepreneur Nada Mandour’s road to success is not easy as it seems, blogging requires a lot of hard work and presentation. Besides, to pursue her dream of being a blogger, she had to leave many aspiring job opportunities but she wouldn’t care the least as the success she has now might not have happened if she hadn’t followed her heart.

Blogger Nada Mandour believes in making friends and helping others through collaborations. Through her Instagram handle, she holds discussion sessions to advise individuals about social media marketing and a career as a blogger. Entrepreneur Nada Mandour has been quoted has saying that it’s not always about being right or perfect, it’s about doing what you love and giving your best shot.

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