Goa Times

Category : World


Two Indian Authors in London Launch Charity Fundraiser The Consciouspreneur Campaign Through Inkdness

Goa Times
LONDON, UK (October 05, 2023): Two Indian-origin authors based in London, Manoj Gupta and Ritesh Nigam, have collaborated to launch an innovative crowdfunding charity campaign...
Business World

International Innovative Future Summit and Awards 2022 organized by Winning Move & In2future in Bangkok, Thailand

Goa Times
In2future in collaboration with the PhyDi Event Management Company Winning Move Events orchestrated the International Innovative Future Summit and Awards. The event was organized on...

Dr Jitendra Matlani honoured with Dada Saheb Phalke Award in Dubai

Goa Times
Dubai (UAE): Dr Jitendra Matlani renowned businessman and social icon of Dubai was felicitated with the prestigious Dada Saheb Phalke Award In a gala event...